Meaning of Intramural & Objectives I 2024

Meaning of Intramural
Meaning of Intramural

Meaning of Intramural

The word ‘Intramural’ is derived from the latin word ‘Intra’ and ‘Muralis’. ‘Intra’ means ‘within’ and ‘muralis’ means ‘walls. It means any activities or sport which are performed within the walls or within the campus of an school or institution or collage are called ‘intramurals’.

These activities are organized only for the students of a collage or school or institution. No student of other school or collage or institution can participate on these activities or sport. In fact Intramural Competition is one of the best to motivate all the students of an school for taking part in the game and sport and activities. There is no doubt that regular physical activities programmes develop good habits ,skills ,knowledge and other social qualities in the students but he effective programmes of intramurals may enhance further developments.

Orgin of Intramural

It is well known that children have a tendency to play . the used to take part in such activities within the walls of their school in the ancient period also during their leisure time. Probably it was the beginning of the intramural. With the passage of time these activities are developed in a systematic ways and termed as intramural. The first intramural sports departments were established at Ohio State University and the University of Michigan in 1913.

Meaning of Intramural
Meaning of Intramural

Significance of Intramural

In Simple term the Meaning of Intramural is Sport which is organized within a particular institution, usually an educational institution, for the purpose of fun and exercise. Any Sports or Games which are performed within the walls or within the campus of an school or institution or collage are called ‘intramurals’.

  • Intramural are necessary for the development of health and fitness of the children
  • These programmers refresh the children and relax
  • Intramural provide maximum recreation to the students
  • They are also essential for developing leadership qualities among the students
  • it is very necessary for the development for the student and children

Objectives of Intramural

There are various objectives of Intramural. which are describe. Meaning of Intramural is Sport which is organized within a particular institution, usually an educational institution, for the purpose of fun and exercise. Any Sports or Games which are performed within the walls or within the campus of an school or institution or collage are called ‘intramurals’. There are various objectives of Intramural.

Meaning of Intramural
Meaning of Intramural
  1. To provide Opportunity to Every Student to participate in Sport and Activities: In Intramural gives every student to participate in the sport which is organized by the Schools and collages. Generally a few student are able to participate in zonal level and district level games and sports. at such level of games mass participation of student is impossible. So Organizing Intramural in the school gives opportunity to every student to participate in the games and sports of his/her choice. So it can be said that providing many opportunities to all the student to participate in the games and sports.
  2. To Identify the Talented Sportspersons : it is well known fact that every nation of the world want to win medals at internationals level such as word cup Asian cup and Olympics. Intramural competition helps to identify the talented sportsperson for the participation of the students in such competition.
  3. To Develop Cooperation : Intramural Helps student to develop Cooperation among the student. In Fact, Cooperation is Essential to achieve anything in life without Cooperation we can’t win in the sport or game. SO, it is very necessary that student must develop Cooperation among the team. In which Intramural Help.
  4. To Develop Feeling of Sportsmanship : Sportsmanship means to show respect and courtesy to opponents and officials. It also means to Humble in Victory and Gracious in Defeat. To Develop the feeling of Sportsmanship is another objectives of Intramural
  5. To provide an Opportunity to learn various Games and Skills. Intramural Helps by providing the opportunity to learn a number of games their fundamental skills rules and regulations and impart technical and tactical knowledge is another important objective of intramural.
  6. It helps to Develop Personality : providing an opportunity to students to develop their personality is another objectives of intramural activities. These activities provide a number of opportunities that help develop Physical mental and emotional aspects of personality.

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